Hot Cocoa (refined sugar free)

I live in Maine and am cold-blooded, so hot chocolate is a year-round treat for me. Unfortunately, I have had difficulty finding a pre-packaged hot cocoa that is free of refined sugars or artificial sugars. This is my solution: A homemade hot cocoa made with coconut milk and sweetened with maple syrup. Yum!

Paleo hot chocolate. Refined sugar free and sweetened with maple syrup. You can also substitute the cocoa with carob for some hot carob!


4 cups unsweetened coconut milk

1/4 cup cocoa powder

1/4 cup maple syrup

1 tsp vanilla

Ingredients for paleo hot chocolate.

Directions: Mix all ingredients together and boil. Sometimes I have trouble getting the cocoa to dissolve, so I use a whisk to really mix it in.

I have not tried this with cow’s milk since I don’t drink it. However, I did try the recipe once with almond milk, and it didn’t come out quite as good (but it's still good!). I would recommend sticking with the coconut milk! If you need it to be sweeter, try adding a little more maple syrup.
